07. The 3 Degrees of Attractions
the 3 types of attractions that are needed for procreation activity
I have earlier blogged about gender-parity at https://www.mayoan.com/post/6-on-equality and at https://www.mayoan.com/post/28-top-10-evils-of-today-s-world .
In any healthy living society, for the purpose of procreation, a strong male-female, tendency of mutual attraction is fundamentally essential. I am a straight guy and No – I am not against any LGBTQ groups. I understand that it is a status blessed by nature in some of the humans.
I am just looking at the falling rate of population in some geographies (e.g. Japan) which have a rich legacy of accomplishing great things as individuals and as various groups with a strong concern.
Let us look at the various degrees of attraction that are needed in a healthy society.
1. A healthy mutual and decent attraction that exists/happens between opposite sexes (a male and a female) preferably in the same age groups.
This, not just leads to, styling oneself better to attract the opposite sex members! This state is fundamental for the occurrence of the other 2 degrees of attraction, mentioned below. If the problem of not observing gender-parity is resolved in all parts of the world in a truly genuine and honest/integral way, the next 2 degrees of attraction are easily achieved by humans in any modern societal setup.
2. A naturally occurring intense love that blossoms between a like-minded male and female that may lead to marriage and childbirth. Some groups in the world also have the concept of arranged marriages.
3. A naturally occurring powerful sexual attraction/lust that exists between a matured male and female, sometimes intended to lead to marriage/childbirth.
The above 3 attractions should exist in a naturally blessed state in any healthy society to halt the decline in population.
What could be the many reasons that hamper the above 3 attractions leading to reduction in population? I could think of a few reasons given below:
1. Economic hardships leading to acute stress to life and living. Hence, I strongly urge the governments to adopt the concept of basic minimum income scheme which can also lead to additional benefits like reduction of exploitation of the vulnerable population and the various crimes that occur against women and children in particular.
Somebody said that – “How do we know that this Earth is not a heaven and that we are in the act of spoiling it already !!”. And if this is true, in heaven, it is expected that people take care of each other as individuals and as members of the same group to live a perennially happy life while in pursuit of human excellence. Hence the grumble against a proposed blessed scheme like basic minimum income should be done away with quite quickly to become a progressive state.
2. In some parts of the world and in some secret societies, initiation ceremonies like the gay/lesbian initiation ceremonies apparently exist which if it happens on a scale, can wipe out the very fundamental degree of attraction mentioned in point-1 above from the communities around. , – i.e the naturally healthy mutual attraction that exists/happens between a male and a female member of the society - If this fundamental degree of attraction is impaired, the other 2 degrees of attraction becomes difficult to realize.
If we consider the nature blessed male-female attraction/love/lust as a vibrant, breathtaking beautiful painting, the above mentioned ceremonies and its effects are like a opaque/translucent/transparent (I cannot help relating this to the new gender identity and sexual orientation terms) dust that is settling on the painting. Nevertheless, the dust obstructs the beauty of the painting and creates artificial impairment. At some point in his/her life, that person may wipe away the dust intentionally or accidentally (even subconsciously) and the beauty of the painting cannot be ignored any longer ! When that happens, the pain felt inside by the person may be profound. If this phenomenon is not understood properly the whole thing may convert into a state of suffering, dejection and delusion.
Besides, if I may extrapolate the situation and speculate a fictitious scenario, where there are more such above mentioned conversion programs for males than for females, the situation in the society becomes untenable - there will be more males who are gays and more females who will be heterosexual and hence, naturally blessed act of procreation itself may be impaired, not to mention about the loss of intimacy and trust between couples!
If such practices like the initiation mentioned above is practiced at scale, additional ill-effects can also manifest. For example, a male person who has the natural preference to be with a female, undergoes such a conversion practice (without his liking) , then his interest in a female may get diminished. Since naturally blessed preference is organic and powerful than the imposed preference, his interest in a female may get re-kindled at a later stage in life, leading to late marriages and late child births! Other ill effects that can happen include divorces, forced marriages and certain moral issues (like insensitivity, cheating, exploitation etc.,).
Sometimes, if things are not going well, even enrolling in same-sex institutions especially at a life-stage when the forces of nature are at the strongest can cause similar problems.
3. Our tendency to become more digital leading to the be-numbing of our sensitivities leading to havoc in individual lives and among the various groups.
4. Our tendency to adopt to fast paced life that causes us to move away from organic way of living.
5. etc.,
Any group/society in any parts of world have to understand the 3 degrees of attractions with a matured mindset and build appropriate value systems in their country/local communities that will lead to harmonious way of living with a sustainable strength of population with a healthy male-female ratio.
If the above 3 degrees of attractions are maintained in a healthy manner in any country/group with appropriate value systems in place, then other synthetic problems like conceiving a child majorly by IVF and not by conjugal relationships can be avoided and in-fact policies may be considered for implementation
that makes IVF potentially less attractive and
for promoting natural way of conception/birthing.
Hari Om!