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19. Personality Types Based on Sex at Birth and Sexual Orientation

How else can we we look at sex at birth and about sexual orientation ?

19. Personality Types Based on Sex at Birth and Sexual Orientation

We saw how eating, sleeping and having sex are basic actions that reminds us about the great merger.

Considering the human species, for males and females, the actions of eating and sleeping do not pose much differences. But when it comes to the action of having sex, so many variations crop up surprisingly.

Again, consider the basic actions:

1.      Sleeping – you alone matter, and it does not need other outside parameters. Whether it is cot or a mat, if the body is tired and mind is at peace, good sleep is assured!

2.      Eating – you matter along with other outside parameter called food (inanimate object)- that comes by in a million varieties!

3.      Having sex – A partner (animate object) is definitely needed as self-sufficiency is considered sub-optimal and not favoured by nature! The complexity in this action is due to variations of how a person perceives himself vis-à-vis how he perceives or desires his partner to be.

So, I thought about the personality types, purely from the point of view of his/her interest in the sexual endeavours and created the below fundamental personality traits. I know that there are many different classifications that are already present as shown in below links, but my classification builds on our earlier understanding on the basic actions of a human species.

Types of sexuality and their definitions

List of LGBTQ+ terms | Stonewall

I consider a 2-part scale to define the gender and sexual orientation of a person.

1st PART – generally based on phase of life that also aligns with the desired expectation. This is common to both males and females. This usually aligns with sex at birth.

TYPE 1 – This person is least interested in sex and considers sex as a necessity only to procreate and definitely not for pleasure. Usually, ‘saintly’-persons who are transitioning to become super souls sometimes supersede the existential necessities tied around the basic 3 actions and explicitly do not show any interest in the sexual activities. This transition can sometimes span across several births. They sometimes show genius tendencies in young age with little interest in worldly affairs. Hence this is a very rare type of personality – be it male or female.

The person is tagged as M1(for male) or F1(for female) as per the gender at birth.

TYPE 2 – This usually aligns with the teens and teenage love and celebrates what I called as ‘magic carpet’ love where the male or female cannot get enough of each other. They cannot stand the aspect of cheating too which will prove to be devastating if encountered. Sometimes, this may last longer than usual.

The person is tagged as M2(for male) or F2(for female) as per the gender at birth.

TYPE-3 – This usually happens after the marriage and childbirth(s) and is recognized when the ‘spark’ is lost between the couples. Mutual interest in sex dwindles and seeking opportunities for outside-the-marriage/open/discreet sex may start.

The person is tagged as M3(for male) or F3(for female) as per the gender at birth.


TYPE-4 – This is when the relationship includes fascinations like sex with multiple partners etc . This may be the new normal if the TYPE-3 trait wears down over time!

The person is tagged as M4(for male) or F4(for female) as per the gender at birth.

TYPE-5 – This is a very undesirable type of male or female who is known for his/her fraudulent, irascible, scornful behaviours and who in the act of sex does not even honour the basic law of Kamasutra – that a man should aim to maximize the pleasure of his female partner and the female vice-versa. 

The person is tagged as M5(for male) or F5(for female) as per the gender at birth. Obviously, this type may be identified by a qualified psychiatrist during a therapy session!

TYPE-6 – This is the transgender type. The person is tagged as either as TG or as TG followed by the number as above.

A person in the above 6 types is considered ALPHA, if he is strongly desired by his/her sexual partners and the type is preceded by the alphabet -A. If A is not attached, we may add ‘N’ to denote ‘Normal’.

2nd PART - is a psychological profile of a person (male or female) based on his disposition to male/females and transgenders. Again, if the person is not able to self-assess, a qualified psychiatrist may be needed to identify the type. The type - 'Not Applicable' can also be considered,

H Type – A male or female can be “H” type if he/she is only interested in the opposite sex as a heterosexual (hence H-type) tendency.

H1 - Normal heterosexuals

H2 - Heterosexuals who does not prefer the friendship of other types.

In gay relationships involving males, the following scale may be evident when considering their disposition towards females.

G1 – Usually male partner of a gay relationship involving 2 males and mostly indifferent to females.

G2 – Usually female like partner of a gay relationship involving 2 males and mostly indifferent to females.

G3 – Male gays of either type above who does not prefer the friendship of females.

In lesbian relationships involving females, the following scale may be evident when considering their disposition towards males.

L1 – Usually female partner of a lesbian relationship involving 2 females and mostly indifferent to males.

L2 – Usually male partner of a lesbian relationship involving 2 females and mostly indifferent to males.

L3 – Female lesbians of either type above who does not prefer the friendship of males.

Thus, we can rate the males or females as below:

1.      A-M1-H1

2.      N-M3-H2

3.      N-F4-L1

4.      A-F3-L3

5.      A-M3-G1

6.      A-F2-L2

7.      A-M4-H1

8.      N-TG-G1/L2

9 A-T1-N/A


The above ratings may be matched with many of the LGBTQ+ types.

Other possible types (4,5 etc.,) may not be appropriate for this light article. H3,H4,G4 and G5 may be rare but not impossible. Similarly, L4 and L5 may be very rare. For these ratings, clinical flagging may be needed, and this light article is not suitable to consider them.

Please note that there may be other non-sexual mental conditions that may present the possibility of other types of psychopaths with a penchant for crimes like murder.

Hari Om!

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