I briefly wrote about a fictional iron-clad constitution in my blogs including in my blog on equality - https://www.mayoan.com/post/6-on-equality
I thought I can write about it a little more in this blog post.
I envisioned the iron-clad constitution as –
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Deriving from an international (ISO?) management framework and guidelines
-         Consisting of meta-structures (for example on suggested departments/secretaries of the government) to which all countries can map their implementation of the iron-clad constitution. This is similar to the guidelines found in Basel guidelines given to financial institutions for mapping their business units by BIS (Ref: www.bis.org ). This will help in normalizing the data sourced from various countries to run any global level programs.
(Above image Ref:BIS)
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Consisting of global event types similar to the Basel event types which will be used to direct local, regional and global responses to such events with predefined SOPs.
-         Consisting of 3 pillars of constitution – Elected Government represented by prime minister and his team, People’s Voice represented through either a royal lineage or presidency and finally the voice of the Spiritual class represented by say association of mutt or head church etc.,
-         The Elected Government headed by prime minister, People’s Court headed by the royalty and the Spiritual Groups headed by spiritual head of the country - each will have its own democratic setup with iron-clad internal election process that will avoid nepotism, cronyism and patronage. This is figuratively represented by the below image each hand is a functioning level-1 department or secretary or office.
-         Governance, Compliance and Audit checks will happen on each of the ‘hand’ in both modes – internal auditing and external auditing.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Besides a central statistical organization (CSO) and an aligned educational institution specializing in statistics and data management should the different hands of the 3 pillars with top notch quality data to make well informed decisions and to analyse and infer any potential risks and issues underlying the country as a whole.
-         Guidelines will be published by the framework (which undergoes plan-do-check-act – continuous improvement cycles) to specify the governing models involving the 3 pillars and how they can effectively checkmate each other from making costly anti-national mistakes. For example, each can annually audit the other 2.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Each of the 3 pillars should track their own metrics which is setup and managed by the central statistical organisation of the country.
-         Monitoring and control of the country’s significant indicators should be independently done by the 3 bodies with their own models and also, they should track metrics that are specific to their own operations with the infrastructure and capabilities provided by the CSO. The metric status can be color coded as - red ( error), yellow (warning) and green (normal) based on the values of the metrics.
Some of the national metrics that can be tracked may be:
§ Crime rate related.
§ Crimes against women related.
§ Happiness index related.
§ Mental health of the population related.
§ Occupation related.
§ Salary related.
§ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion related.
§ Immigration related.
§ Value systems related.
§ Unemployment related.
§ Education related.
§ Health care related.
§ ESG related.
§ Transparency related.
§ Economic progression related.
§ Government Revenue and Spending related.
§ Sports related.
§ Spirituality related.
§ Etc.,
Based on the above metrics , the framework may suggest level-1 issues and remedies. But the host country should processes this information and identify its own course of action(s) for each metric indicators that are either red or yellow. A preset list of issues/SOPs/remedies can be formulated against each indicators and their status which may be reviewed periodically for relevance.
-Â Â Â Â Â Data sharing mechanism with any global bodies should be done after appropriate data scrubbing and by following the imposed meta-structures to help harmonize.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The guidelines may supply best practices suggestions for up to 2-3 levels of the governance of the 3 pillars and their interactions.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The framework should also leave some room for local/regional cultural variations in governance but should provide high level guidelines on integrating them.
-Â Â Â Â Â Elected government follows the mandate of the election office that comes with its own governance setup following the directives of the framework and extracting help from CSO.
-         People’s Court should have an easy mechanism to muster the opinion of the people with the help of the CSO – say by means of national surveys which is processed by the king’s court.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Spiritual groups should run their own interactions with people through their spiritual institutions and taking help from the CSO.
The CSO will be the data owner (strategic), data custodian (Governance related), data steward (SMEs) and data controllers (tracking the data lineage, data use , data transformations and data archival and data obsoletion).
The CSO should be expert in the best-in-class data management practices. (For example, in data classification of data as live data, current data and archived data). It should also me mindful about continuous improvement and should also be open to change its significant operational parameters (like the time frame for classifying the data types) based on the change management principles.
Hari Om!