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1. Before Everything Else...

Updated: Apr 13

Before anything else there was two things or rather one – void and the until then ‘blissful’ energy.

Void need not be explained – nothing exists . Strangely, the term ‘blissful energy’ is not sufficient either to describe the ‘blissful’ energy.

Consider a spectrum of emotions like a spectrum of colors or a spectrum of frequencies. Now why would the ‘blissful energy’ be termed as that when we know that the spectrum of emotions contains infinite range of emotions. Why use the term – ‘blissful’?

Hence for time being let us term this ‘blissful’ energy as just as an energy with infinite power and infinite intelligence – the latter two qualifiers will be taken up for analysis later. I am just trying to differentiate this infinite energy from the definition of the energy as seen in the scientific field using these two qualifiers. Let us not even try to classify it as a divine or evil energy or using any attributes at this point.

Borrowing on the thermodynamical terms – this energy is perhaps an infinite source and an infinite sink.

Perhaps, what happens between this source and sink is pure excitement/magic. Assuming it has been an energy for a long long time, and is not self-aware,(remember we talked about this ‘intelligent’ energy unlike the term energy as used in science ) what can be its purpose of being ‘present’ in an even bigger ‘void’? This line of thinking about being present and not self-aware and being embedded in void does not lead to any reasonable outcomes.

What can trigger or alter its state and for what reason? At this time we are seriously considering its another attribute – ‘intelligence’ of this energy. The primary being ‘infinite’. Since this energy is all by itself , what purpose can it serve? Will its ‘intelligence’ allow it to remain ‘idle’- so to speak? (Isn’t an idle energy an oxy-moron?) .

Thus it is an assumption that at some phase, this energy comes out of its current status-quo state and becomes self-aware. It understands that it has infinite potential and what it lacks is the answer to the question – ‘Who am I’?

On an alternate thought, surprisingly this is the same thought that occurs in the mind of intelligent humans when they are deep in their pursuit of human excellence.

Thus the state of this infinite energy is suddenly altered and this humongous energy ball is finally ‘buzzing’ between the source and the sink capabilities.

After the ‘buzz’ is settled there is again a long pause and just the two – rather one exists – ‘blissful’ energy. No one knows how long the pause will be or how many such buzzes happened earlier and to add to this – there was no concept of space and time.

What we can infer is that this buzz can perhaps be termed as ‘Genesis’ and between two geneses we understand that the whole thing reverts to what is called out in the beginning of this blog.


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