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10. The Construct of the Universe - Part 2

Updated: Jun 24

I considered the universe to be consisting of 3 dimensions - Dimension 1 is the visible universe ; Dimension 2 is the dimension where the astral bodies exist and Dimension 3 is MAHAT in which souls are embedded. (As a crude example, when a criminal is hanged by a state, his astral body will still exist in an intact manner and when the karmic forces tear upon the astral body too, the soul will still remain in MAHAT. Thus, we can say that in this 3D universe, the human body-astral body-soul complex exist as 3 super-imposed layers.)

We have to perhaps consider the probability density functions of the colors of this creation process (mass, time, entropy, space and energy) , the universal constants , an intuitive idea to consider an empirical system encapsulating all the above elements, the four fundamental forces of nature and finally a cosmic mathematical model (function) involving all of the above to find a universal law that works in Dimension 1.The constants may differ in different zones of the universe and between dimensions.

How to integrate the 2 dimensions and MAHAT is anybody's challenge!

As per some contents of puranas I have come across , the dissolution of the universe during the pralaya time happens as follows:

  • First the deluge (water) appears and breaks the earth - Earth is gone

  • Next fire vaporises water - Water is gone

  • Then air removes fire and ashes - Fire is gone

  • Then the space sucks in the air - Air is gone

  • MAHAT removes the space - Space is gone

  • Finally MAHAT itself is gone (assuming most of the souls has experienced the great merge)

In the creation , (say at the big bang), the reverse is expected to happen during the creation of the prakruthi.

  • First MAHAT is formed

  • Next Space is drawn

  • Air/Prana/Gases fills in the space adequately

  • Fire follows Air

  • Water follows Fire

  • Earth forms over water

I am not able to imagine the exact time sequence or the overlap of events with my current mental capacity.I am also not sure at what point the souls (energy bursts or the zillions of 'Karana Shariram' or causal bodies) are embedded in the MAHAT matrix as part of creation. This remains ADHRSTA to me, at this time!


These are more like properties of the universe which can be directly sensed in the MAHAT to provide feedback to the divine energy. Sensing of these properties by different living beings are done by their respective sensory organs. Not all tanmatras are sensed by any one particular species.

I think the below may be true:

  • The external sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin) - senses

  • The internal sensory organs (mind, intelligence, consciousness) - feels

  • The cittam, ahankara, soul - experience the tanmatras (what can be the related verb word?)

Living beings have sensory perceptions to understand the manifestation of at least some of the tanmatras. Some tanmatras can be sensed and some can be felt through lateral effects. Some universal laws may be tied to the tanmatras as part of the grand design.

Let us look at some of the tanmatras and their states. Though popular literatures only talk about tanmatras as related to the sensory organs, of especially human, I think we have to seek and look out for other tanmatras as I consider them to be a bedrock in the construction of the universe.


Name of Tanmatra

Sense organ of living beings

Any related applicable laws of the universe (this list may not be complete)

Any indicative associated physical characteristics/attributes (this list may not be complete)




laws related to sound

Frequency, Vibration




laws related to force and energy

Frequency, Vibration




laws related to light





<Still unknown>

<Still unknown>




<Still unknown>

<Still unknown>



Central Nervous System

<Still unknown>

<Still unknown>



Whole Body

All laws related to mass and energy

Mass, Inertia, Entropy



Whole Body

All laws related to mass and energy

Momentum, Velocity, Angular Velocity, Torque, Force, Acceleration, Vibration, Frequency, Entropy




<Still unknown>

Entropy, Frequency




Laws related to four fundamental forces

Frequency, Entropy


Magnetic Force

Brain (In some birds as ESP)

All laws related to electro-magnetic forces

Frequency, Entropy

12. So on and so forth

Disclaimer : I am not able to list all the tanmatras and the related laws and properties. We need to deploy the SMEs (starting with the scientists) to complete the table above.

One interesting factor I sensed is the role of frequency as a fundamental attribute of all tanmatras. If sound and vision can be represented in frequencies, can we also represent taste, smell and pain in terms of frequencies?

It will be arrogant on our part to think that we are the only species given special capabilities to think and therefore to dominate as a primary predators in this planet. There may be other species that are having extra-sensory perception capabilities (ESPs) that may correspond to their abilities to sense tanmatras that are beyond the grasp of human sensory perceptions.

Consider the case of a bird. They are able to sense the tanmatra that enables them to fly. A young bird while growing the wings may not be aware of that tanmatra, but when it grows wings and is physically ready, they may sense this tanmatra (feeling of flying) and their primordial urges will push it into flying. This tanmatra is sensed by a bird naturally and therefore the evolution has supported growing wings while humans indirectly understood this tanmatra and mastered aerodynamics and related physical laws and developed air-planes that enables them to fly.

Tanmatras - point to something very rudimentary - something that can be sensed. Some tanmatras have been mastered by humans and we have been able to build the scientific body of knowledge around it. Some tanmatras are understood but not tamed by science(humans) yet (like feeling of lust, phobias etc.,). Some are still unknown to humans but understood by other species; Some are still unknown to any species; Not all tanmatras are measurable.

If you could describe the sensing of anything and describe it in words, there could be the possibility of finding a new tanmatra. Open a dictionary (we are talking about the dictionary maintained by human species !) and look for the words describing the 'sensing' part like (bliss, euphoria, pain etc.,) . and you will know how complex the creation is. Probably it is more artistic than scientific ! The point is - we should establish mastery over those tanmatras whose understanding makes our lives better.

Let us consider the sixth sense of a human. We know definitely that this is not a tanmatra of the universe. It is a capability embedded in each human to understand the divine ways of working. It will be arrogant on our part to think that only we possess the 'capability to think' to connect with divine ! We don't know what other species have achieved because we always depend on our language to describe them and not able to exclude our capability to dominate them while trying to understand them. (I cannot remove the picture of a scientist working under a dictatorship - where obviously the dictator need not have the same brain potential as the scientist !) They may have sense organs that can sense other tanmatras that we do not even know exists ! Also what we describe as the 'ability to think' may exist in them in some other capacity. This have to viewed in the context of how the divine energy may approach the design of any species (not just human) and not necessarily the other way around (species developing capabilities by evolution that helps them connect with divine !) - which is also a possibility.

As an existentialist, you may deploy 4 different methods - any one or all four - to experience the divine and the divine ways of working:

  1. Bhakthi Yoga or Worshipping the God - You can pick any God as your favourite and as long as it aligns with goodness, the divine energy will bless you. This is critical to building a faith based value system. Of course, the atheist can ignore this and settle on the other 3 ways.

  2. Jnana Yoga or Path of the Intelligence - This is the path of a scientist. He/she deploys his/her intelligence in pursuit of human excellence and try to figure out the ultimate knowledge.

  3. Karma Yoga or Path of believing in 'Work is Worship' - For those who are not blessed with the scientist's mind, they can settle on this. What you do makes you. So whatever is that your are doing (as your job) do it with full care and attention while pursuing human-excellence. Even a sports person knows that his physical/mental capabilities is what is powering him in his pursuit of excellence.

  4. Kriya Yoga - Do not start this without an accomplished Guru. It is also called under several other names such as 'Raja Yoga' , 'Kundalini Yoga' or 'Transcendental Meditation'.

Points 2 & 3 - above expects you to fully deploy your mental/physical capabilities in pursuit of excellence as human and I hope that, as long as you are sincere, you will be divinely guided to the ultimate answer at some time/space as blessed by divine.

A accomplished soul , through transcendental medication techniques can understand the divine nature of this universe and get a special status in the society ! But , at least until now, we are not made to understand the all pervasive nature of this divine energy that extends into our every second of every minute of our life !

Picture this -

You are trying to connect with this divine energy after years of penance. Once the connection is made, you zoom out and try to see who else is connected - It strikes you like a bolt - all the trillions and trillions of species in all the realms of the universe are connected just like you - you just became aware of this now ! Then you think about the thousands of experiences (as described as a sense in your dictionary) that you are made to sense. Think about the sum total of all experiences of all the living beings of all species in their different characters ! Finally you may lose your breadth if you deduce that - all the massive universal-scale sensing is being done by this divine energy and not only that but it has also devised an intelligent system (Karmic engine) that stores the karma (+ or -) of each action of each living being. It uses this stored information to adjust the stage (universe) for a soul in the current journey or in its next life. Be mindful that all other living things that this soul comes into contact with has also been considered similarly by this divine energy ! It has assembled all of this living in a stage whose construction is seen as an unfathomable infinite intelligence. It is such a bewildering universe scale of wizardry that I consciously/subconsciously bow down before its potential/intelligence/power/might and benevolence and what not!

We are probably a tiny spot somewhere in the universe and the divine energy has not yet prioritized our feedback based processes. But if it knows how we are endangering other billions of lives in this tiny planet in the name of economic activities and spoiling their in-pursuit-of-excellence activities, all it needs to do was to release an enraged hard breadth - 'Hrmmmm', and we humans will be removed to oblivion!


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