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11. The Construct of a Human

Updated: Jul 19, 2024

We discussed about the construct of the universe which we often state as the 'STAGE'. Now we have to discuss the construct of the ACTORS. Since the human species is the most complex of all the organisms in this planet earth, let us take this as a sample to explore the construct of species. This is not any way related to the anatomy of the human body in dimension 1 explaining the different body systems or the explanation of astral body with the chakras and the Nadi systems in dimension 2.

Similar to the stage , the actor is also seen spanning the dimension 1, dimension 2 and the MAHAT.

I am presenting a picture of the construct of a human spanning the 3 dimensions:

The above construct is an inside out perspective and also and outside in perspective that is valid in both dimensions - 1 & 2.

The organs of action carry out the karmic activities as guided by the manas and rooted by the 'I'-ness factor called AHANKARA. The five organs of actions are Mouth, Hands, Legs, Excretory organ and Reproductive organ. The sensory organs under the guidance of buddhi or perception are Hearing, Touching, Seeing, Tasting and Smelling.

Together these karmendriyas (action organs) and jnanendriyas(sensory organs) along with the tanmatras (Universal properties - Sound, Touch, See, Taste and Smell) form an very effective and efficient input systems to the human. Again manas is where the thoughts accumulate and the buddhi selects or discerns the thoughts to be selected for consideration and execution as actions.

The physical body of a human will have the buddhi, manas, karmandriyas and jnanendriyas. For a powerful soul, like a sage or a rishi or some one who is practicing transcendental meditation, these can also be present in the astral body in the almost same strength. These advanced soul can also build a new dimension-2 body over their astral body (similar to the governors in dimension 2). For ordinary souls, based on their level of intelligence/knowledge/practices the same four can be present in lesser intensity. Thus in the death of a average person, his ghost represented by the astral body may have only a limited intensity of the actions/perceptions and thus it will be unlike how it was in the living form. It may not be surprising to see it being startled, confused, shocked or unable to speak etc., So it is important that the humans understand the ways of working of the universe and acquire knowledge about the dimension-2 to guide them better in their after-life phase.

I presume that the below may be true:

An astral body or ghost is an intermediate state. Hence it will not be able to have sex, eat or sleep. Most of the ordinary souls cannot even think. Thus it is by design that they will be driven to their next stage/skin soon after its death in dimension-1. Sometimes due to actions like suicide (Karma not exhausted fully for this birth and hence this existence in a intermediate suffering state (ghost) continues ) and due to some ADHRSTA natural accidents, they spend more time in this intermediate than they should and becomes visible sometimes.

It helps to think that , the physical form is akin to a hardware, the ghost & layers 3 of Panchakoshanas are an advanced interface system to this hardware and the other end of the interface (layer 4) is 'plugged' into the MAHAT for power and direction. (Please refer to my other blog on Panchakoshanas at - .

The AHANKARA or 'I'-ness forms the root of the human's existence.

From Chittam(store house of all impressions)/manas(locus of all thoughts), the thoughts raise for an individual and the buddhi considers the VALUE SYSTEMS that the person subscribes and then allows only certain thoughts to be executed as actions. So it is important that we build a range of strong value systems covering our existence as

- an individual person

- as part of a religion/any other significant group(s)/country/community

- as citizen of this world

- as actors in this universe.

- etc.,

The combination of these value systems should guide the individual to realize his maximum human potential and make him aware of his real purpose of existence.

The experience of a human, good or bad can happen from an outside to inside or an inside to outside perspective.


  1. Some diseases start in the astral body and progress to the gross/physical body.

  2. An accident may result in damage to the gross/physical body and then the astral body is hurt too because of that.

  3. Based on how a person uses his karmendriyas and jnanedriyas , he may take in lot of bad qualities( drug abuse, alcohol abuse etc.,) or take in a lot of good qualities (wisdom, physical/mental health etc.,)

  4. An outside to inside practice like meditation, can make a person a better citizen of this world.

Hari Om!


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