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14. My View on Affluency

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

In the larger scheme of things, if we simplify, we know that, we all are after a multitude of experiences in a given life time by the grand design. And we all know what a vital role that the law of karma plays in an individual's life before, during and after his life time.

Converging on the above two vital concepts, we can easily deduce that for some of the humans, it is really a 'blessing(?)' in disguise that they are born into a wealthy setting ! We do not know the circumstances that led to an individual striking a fortune during his life time or an individual being born into wealth. So we should not be really judgemental about how these individuals live rich- collecting rich experiences.

But, the catch here is, I consider money/wealth to be a very potent weapon in the hands of the antagonist. Its accumulation, with a careless 'high-society' humans may lead directly to lowering of their guard as decent, unselfish humans. It is easy to get buried in the so called 'rich' experiences that directly leads to depravity and insensitivity towards fellow human beings. Wealth is a double edged sword - You can play the role of an angel if you wield it the right way or it can make you play the role of an accomplice of the antagonist.

I do not take a moral high stand towards people experiencing richer experiences as long as it is coming of their personal wealth/affluency. At the same time it should not be garish and considered as insensitive towards the lesser fortuitous people. That is why I recommend wealth distribution as a function of an iron-clad constitution. We should fix the salary ratio of highest pay to the lowest pay and that should be adjusted based on emerging situations at some cadence. Besides, the constitution should guarantee universal basic income for the adult population as long as they are under a certain poverty related criteria. A third major step will be to reign in corruption - the constitutional building blocks should be seen like a ring of hands holding each other at the wrist.

By design, constitution should prevent an individual from becoming 'filthy' rich. I tend to look at a simple calculation that can be enforced in the constitution. A person may at best be able to see his great-grand children in his life time -may be four generations. So we should calculate the wealth required for the four generations of a family and add some percentage of bonus and benefits part (based on the wealth his enterprise generates) and calculate the money required for a rich individual to support 4 generations comfortably and put that as a cap on his personal income. Rest all of the earnings of this individual should flow into the government coffers to be administered later by one or more sharp wealth distribution schemes. As with respect to wealth of companies, an effective, efficient, revamped and adjustable tax system should be sufficient as we cannot possibly know their growth plan and the time-horizon that they are looking at as part of their growth plans. I also recommend some way-off schemes where an insolvent individual who has made significant money contributions in the past is taken care of by the state in a manner fitting of his/her contributions.

I recommend referring to online reports (such as on income inequality to understand the magnitude of this monstrous problem - Richer are getting richer at a faster pace, poor families are staying poor and the median income people are moving towards the being poor state. Life itself has become a big stress - anytime a person can lose his job and be thrown out of his home with his family , old people are being considered as burden to bear and I am seeing people well over their retirement age still working at paltry hourly rates ! If you consider the average hourly wage of a fast-food-services company and compare it to the average house prices, I am left wondering how long will it take them to own their nest - called home? The entry criteria into the working class is through university education where it is really depressing to see youth taking on the big burden of educational loans. The exit criteria of the same working class people is that you have to work till you are completely worn out and also bend at your hip to finally have a death with dignity!! If these grave economic, on-the-edge-living of millions of people is not visible to these so called rich people who are also power players and decision makers directing or influencing the economy of the country that they are living in , they are nothing but the exponents of the antagonist and therefore the divine force will look down upon them grimly.

Hari Om!


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