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16. The Experiences Throughput

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

We talked about the gaining of experiences by different living beings throughout their life/many-lives leading to higher intelligence and finally leading them to find the answer for the ultimate question about life itself. These experiences are sensed by their sensory organs through different impressions created by the many different tanmatras (essence or potential). Advanced souls like that of humans, deploy science to build a a body of knowledge around these tanmatras and use them to build comforts of lives.

Let us look at the experiences throughput in a human context and ignore the animal(!) kingdom for the time being.

If we consider the advanced state of our being as citizens of this world or as actors in this universe, some of the (life/soul changing) positive experiences, that we as humans undergo, which can be physical or mental, can be

  • Our experience as a student learning his/her subjects

  • Our experience as a scientist making path breaking discoveries

  • Our experiences in excelling in our other professions

  • Our experiences in nurturing our family

  • Our experiences in cherishing friendships and other relationships

  • Our personal experiences like love, lust, euphoria etc., from many different socially accepted reasons

  • Our experiences in some heart-felt sad moments

  • Our experience of us rising up again and rebuilding our torn lives (if applicable)

  • Our experiences in accepting the rewards of the above activities

  • Our experiences through soul-enriching virtual media

  • etc.,

If we consider the decadent state of our being as a citizens of this world or as an actors in this universe, some of the negative experiences, that we, as humans undergo, which can be physical or mental can be

  • Drug addictions and the resultant induced experiences

  • Porn/sex addictions and the resultant mentally/physically wrecked statuses

  • The experiences of avarice and the resultant apathy for fellow humans and co-habitating species

  • The experiences of dominating others by war or ideologies for unacceptable causes

  • Experiences of showing or feeling disrespect

  • Experiences of being cheated/backstabbed etc.,

  • Experiences of being hit by corruption and/or being hopeless

  • etc.,

Now on an average, if we accept 75 years as the span of a human life form, and if we count at least 1 soul changing experience a day , the total number of significant experiences that we encounter is around 27375 (75 * 365) - Of course, it can be more if we consider a student who is learning more in subjects in each passing day!

Consider the distortions introduced by money accumulation on the sum total of all experiences of all humans. It is a non-sensical idea that accumulation of money, whether it is by legal or illegal means, leads to a partying mindset more than a serving mindset. Of course, I acknowledge that there are really essential parties too - especially that builds cohesion and which gives a sense of belonging like the ones hosted by families or colleagues in an office. That apart, partying in the current context, probably means - more drugs, sex and alcohol consumption. If this is repeated (consider all the parties by all the people and the repetitions of the same), the money accumulation is in-fact leading to stagnation of experiences of the souls. When more and more people experience the same things again and again - they become more like blunt robot/effigy objects and hence they are not becoming the finely adorned and embellished soul as expected by the divine ! This is a tragedy and which leads to stagnation of human evolution/involution. Hence it is important that wealth distribution should be enforced in the constitutions of nations to multiply experiences throughput.

On the other hand, if the money accumulated is used with a serving mindset, it has a chain effect that not only touches and transforms lives, but can also lead to myriad of good experiences by many varied humans in multitude of settings ! For example, instead of a multi-million dollar party for the rich few, if the business leader bumps up the bonus part of his employees from his legal gains, the experiences gained thus will be varied and in diverse settings. For example, If some of the money is in the hands of a good family man, probably it may result in tourism related activities leading to rich transforming/soul-healing experiences. Of course , the business leader can also have a scaled down party to celebrate his achievements. Perhaps, some of rich people don't even realise that they are saturated with all the experiences that they expect of a party and that they have to look beyond just money powered parties for some soulful experiences. Why not contribute and participate in touching and transforming the lives of other less fortunate people, if you can? (It is contribute and participate - not just contribute !)

Unfortunately, most of us as humans relate all our good experiences to money ! And to add to this - a significant part of us, humans, are still in Maslow's lower hierarchical order due to, primarily - lack of money ! It is high time we set a desirable equilibrium through proper efforts around wealth distribution,

Hari Om!


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