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18. Kalachakram or The Wheel of Time

Updated: Jun 22

I firmly believe that the manifestation of the universe- all the wonders, forces, beings, energy, mass etc., and the interactions, combinations, effects etc., are there to be discovered while the actors of the universe are in pursuit of excellence. Looks like, more than any other species, any where in the universe, humans are advanced in this pursuit by excelling in building the scientific body of knowledge and of course - in building the spiritual body of knowledge especially in areas where science is currently lagging primarily because of the limits imposed by the grand design of the universe. It does not mean that we will not be able to know the still unknown truths in the universe. The above belief is a very foundational belief that I am rooted in and which is also the raison-d'être ,why I am writing these blogs.

One of the beliefs that I have is about the shape of the universe itself. I believe the grand design of the divine energy has left enough clues in nature in different realms of the universe for the beings of the realm to discover the unknown including the shape of the universe. If we consider, some of the most preferred shapes of nature, those that are abundantly present in the various locational contexts, and that which is not usually associated with any negative context in the culture of the location in a long time, then we should be wondering what does those shapes signify or hint at us.

At this point, considering what is implied in the first paragraph, it is alright to assume that, those visual effects of shapes of different naturally occurring things, are clues for the humble humans to understand the larger than life aspects of the grand design of the universe.

I am thinking about the following shapes that are appearing abundantly in nature and which seems to be created with some extra effort (going the extra mile) to produce the final shape. We are able to see at least some or all of the rules of symmetry, geometry, aerodynamics etc., in those shapes. Some of the effects are not physical but more like a splurge or a sign of flow of energy.

  1. Sphere - as seen in the manifestation of many space objects including planets.

  2. Snow-flake carrying intricate design

  3. Conch/Shells seen in the beach sands (dextral and sinistral)

  4. Crystal formations

  5. Saligrama stone seen sculpted in some river beds of India

  6. Colorful effects of the polar glows - aurora australis and aurora borealis

  7. Flowers

  8. Shapes of chakras in the human body

From this point on, It can be considered that, I am just trying to derive the shape of a larger body like the universe from the naturally occurring shapes of many naturally occurring manifestations.

Generally the space-time is considered as a continuum. I consider them as 2 different continuums but interposed. When I think that all universal effects have frequency derived from some form of entropy as a basis, I tend to think the effects of frequency on space and time. I, then, co-relate this with the knowledge that I gained from certain spiritual artefacts like the Upanishads and Puranas where it is claimed that there are upper realms and then the lower realms in the universe, if we define the universe from the point of view of the earth realm. Consider a band of frequency of space from the top most realm to the bottom most realm. Within this band there could be multiple bands of space like the spectrum of colour. Each of these bands of 3-d space fabric can have its own localized effects similar to density, viscosity and mass systems and any other that we are not able to detect with our sensing faculties. The top realms are likely to have relatively lower frequency entropies as compared to the bottom realms and hence they desolate more slowly than the bottom bands.

On the other hand, the Upanishads and such spiritual texts also talk about the effect of time difference in the different realms of the universe. One such text claims that a single day of Brahma (referred as 'Kalpa') is almost equal to 4.32 billion earth years!! On extrapolating this understanding, we can assume that time should be faster in the lower realms. So, I mentally form a band of frequency of time in different realms. Since time is slow in the top most realms, I assume that a slow-moving time flow that can be associated with low frequencies is in effect in those top realms, and the fast-moving time flow is in effect in the lower realms that can be associated with the high frequencies.

So, combining the above designs, there may be bands of spaces from top to bottom of the universe and there may be bands of time from the top to bottom of the universe. Assuming that space is relatively static and time flows forward, if we look down from the top most reference point of the universe, we can assume that both bands are infinitely varying and cannot be considered as discreate bands.

I think that this circum-ambulating flowing effect of time in different bands is is called as 'Kalachakram' or 'Wheel of Time' in Hindu scriptures. The effect of flow of time on the masses of the space is evident when we consider, as an example, how our body ages with time!! I assume at this point that, by grand design, flow of time affects all the physical and mental properties of all the living things. Your current physical form may block you from reaching this peak capacity hence it needs to be desolated over time to give you new body to understand newer things till the point where the physical body is completely lost and the grand merge happens. All the understandings/learnings/knowledge/experiences etc., of the journey may form impressions on the soul, which I, earlier pointed to that, it is indestructible.

As the soul progresses, it undertakes journeys through the different 'elastic' band of space that acts as the stage of action and the 'law of karma' provides the physical body (actor) or the skin for the soul. The soul is expected to not only exhaust its negative karma but is also expected to evolve continuously till the grand merge ! The time flow relentlessly desolates the physical universe consisting of prakruthi and all souls. Again, the time flow desolates everything in dimension-2 too.

Considering the bands of spaces and time and the different realms, I am assuming that the shape of the universe may not be a simple sphere or cylinder. Other imaginations are also welcome till we get a convincing evidence.

This model also explains some of the claims in the Hindu texts that gods live longer since the space is resisting time flow and both time/space perhaps, have lower frequencies in their realms. Thus, when a protagonist looks at a person in earth realm, from the upper realm, all things appear to mature fast - something like a fast-forward living. Thus the protagonist may see the whole life of a human within a fragment of time !

Let us consider how time, prakruthi and soul acts together while the great cosmic dance of creation, maintenance and dissolution is enacted.

  1. The 1st body sheath - gross body is desolated by time and we grow old.

  2. The 2nd koshana - ghost body is desolated by time as we grow old and can sometimes be attrited independently post death.

  3. The MAHAT keeps track of the karmic load ( It is presumed that no matter how healthy an individual is at the completion of the set karmic load for this birth, that individual is expected to drop dead)

  4. To perform all the activities, the body complex receives the instructions from karmic load and free will. The energy for this will come from the food we eat and also from the MAHAT as the pranic energy sustaining the inner koshanas.

  5. When the karmic load of this birth is expended, the process to power the inner koshanas from the MAHAT will gradually stop.

  6. Thus attrition by time and stopping of the drawing of energy from mahat is in sync for all the souls.

  7. At the time of death, since there is no more pranic energy (life force), time quickly desolates the gross body by decaying it. (It is best to cremate it in fire).

  8. The ghost body sometimes , if left over will also be attrited by the time (I called this as the Great Storm that peels off the ghost body to reveal the soul itself)


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