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3. Of Good and Evil

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

For a long time, every time the 'buzz' happened within the intelligent energy, the self-aware portion of it tries to identify it self with either of the good or evil states. Perhaps after several such validations, the intelligent energy has selected 'good' (a.k.a. 'blissful') as a preferred state. Even when the universe manifested out of this intelligent energy as part of new experiments to find about itself, in the earlier big-bangs, it is possible to think that there were spectacular clashes between good and evil. I am thinking about not just kings vs kings but in terms of angels vs demons or devas vs asuras. But, what comforts us is that most civilizations since a very long time , through its written or unspoken constitutions, have upheld the need to support good behaviours over evil. There is always a sense of delivering justice, preserving the rights and freedom of individuals, upholding the law, to establish order and maintain peace etc., There were wars of epic proportions to fight for freedom, justice and to establish order. All of these clearly points out that, after the horrendous wars between good and evil in the past, we are at the cusp of a universal timeline, where the good is prevailing over evil and is still managing to keep control !

The fact that the good has not completely won this war is evident when we see the decadent state of existence in several parts of this world (Since I am not able to see this effect on a universal scale, I am just zooming-in on an observable context) where brutal regimes or corrupt governments or conniving individuals and groups exist alongside the hopeless and stressed out people.

Since, the universe has a bias for good over evil now, I am taking liberty to term this intelligent energy as 'divine' energy henceforth. So to reach a further desirable stable state (that is being in good or blissful state) the divine energy has to work towards establishing a majorly 'blissful' state and in the process it should expel all diabolical states or purge evil or to contain it in some way that it is extremely difficult for evil to manifest again and disturb the universal equilibrium.

When we zoom out of this idea, then perhaps it is possible to think that during one of the experiments where it manifested this universe, this divine energy might have created the protagonist defending the good and an antagonist whose raison-d'etre is to manifest evil. Now, this seems more like an epic battle between God and Satan in that manifested universe! When the experiments of the divine energy involving several big bangs consistently resulted in the win of good over evil, a point of inflexion happened where the divine energy decisively concluded that the preferred state is being in good or blissful state and it may decide not to allow evil to manifest.

But we are taking about an infinite range of experiences in the experience spectrum where one end is good and the other end is evil and hence we need, not just one or several of such good vs evil universal wars but innumerable wars of different intensities between good and evil and whose results are consistently pointing to 'good' being the most desirable state of existence.

Now in the context of the protagonist (God) and the antagonist (Satan), since they are self aware, neither of them is going to accept the others mandate quite easily and they may deploy all assets and powers under them to establish their reign. Going by the signs, we are fortunate that so far good prevailed over evil at least in this earth realm (hence of the universe itself, by extrapolation) since we see the above earthly factors supporting freedom, justice, order etc., clearly pointing to the preference for a 'good' stable state of existence.

The weapons that the protagonist might pick for the fight may align with his values and they may be called out to be valour, intelligence, righteousness, fearlessness etc., Similarly the weapons that the antagonist may pick for the fight may align with his values and they may be called out to be avarice, cruelty, power (corrupt), deceit etc.,

What is the role of fate and freewill in this?

Though the karmic powers set the stage and skin for any soul and also the general indicative direction of fate of that soul (for example, say at birth the soul is a horse and not an elephant), we cannot underestimate the power of freewill. If there is enough goodwill and determination, the soul can definitely chart a different course than that predicted by fate. If a large number of souls in a group has that goodwill and determination, then they can set a new direction out of their collective freewill for their group. If we keenly observe history, we can see many such transformations in the history - say for instance the emergence of the ultra modern Japan after the 2nd world war. Knowing these kind of transformations - group or individual- inspire many a soul that are at the verge of losing hope.

Hence such historical events, where the good prevails over evil should be a standard part of school text books to reinforce faith on good over evil !

There are 2 fundamental aspects in the universe -

  1. There is a time for everything to happen

  2. Everything happens due to one or more reasons(collective effect)

A good soul, using his positive karmic load, can leverage the effect of 2 over 1 using his/her freewill. As an example, he/she may provide additional persuasive reasons to make things happen early ( for example a saintly person blesses a devotee to remove his bad health sooner ) or to make things happen late ( for example genuine group worship by some good followers seeking long peaceful period for the earth; during which time, the group negative karma is slowly dispelled and thus any leftover bad effects happen late in reduced magnitude , assuming no accumulation of negative karma by the same group in the said period ).

Hari Om!


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