Vak is the system of speech present in human form. Please refer to my other blog - to have more related understanding. Just as Sankalpa - a pure thought, has to pass through several stages before it actually manifests as concrete creative force, the sabda also has to pass through several stages before it is fully audible at the gross level.
The below are wise sayings from Vedic era:
1. Tvam chatvari vak padani – (Thou art the very syllables of the four varieties of speech).
2. Ekam sat, vipra bahudha vadant – (Truth is one, the wise express it in many ways).
The below tables try to express the essence of the vak system of humans:
Paraa state manifests in prana.
Paraa vak is the sound beyond the perception of our senses. Paraa is the first stage of sound in its unmanifest stage and is the source of all root ideas and germ thoughts. On the stage of Paraa-vak there is no distinction between the object and the sound. Paraa means the highest or the farthest. Paraa vak is the sound beyond the perception of our senses. Paraa has to go undergo some transformations to manifest as a clear sound at a gross level. It is NOT possible to lie in Paraa state.
Pashyanti state manifests in mind.
Pashyanti literally means observing or seeing oneself. Here sound is neither produced nor heard by anatomical ears. It is more of a mental sound – not words yet – or in crude form. Pashyanti observes and analyses her impending changes in the heart, throat and the tongue, where the sound finally attains audibility. Its frequency is supposedly less than the high frequency sound of Para Nada. It is difficult but still possible to lie in Pashyanti.
Madhyama state manifests in buddhi or intelligence.
Madhyama is mental speech, verbalized but unspoken, the internal monologue and dialogue. It also uses intelligence of the brain. It is said that the conversations in dream state (subconscious state) and the psychic conversations between spiritually advanced seers happen through this vak stage even though they are separated by distance.
The Anahata chakra is the domicile of internal sounds called Naada, which can be heard only by our subtle ear (not the anatomical ear). The sounds of Anahata chakra are not audible to the external ears. It is relatively easy to lie in the Madhyama state. Madhyama requires you to pause and think.
I think that certain processes of obtaining confessions from hardened criminals using drugs is the act of directly expressing Madhyama vak as Vaikhari vak.
Pashyanti state manifests in mouth and throat.
Vaikhari will use intelligence and therefore the constructs/grammar of the spoken language are considered when uttering the sound.
The sound which has come all the way from the root chakra with the force of vayu, travels further upwards to the throat, mouth, teeth and tongue, to become an articulate sound, audible to the external ear. This is called Vaikhari. The vayu which helps to bring the sound from the Anahata chakra to the throat is called Vikhara and hence the last stage of sound which is the source of all that is spoken and heard at the grossest level, is the Vaikhari. It is easiest to lie in the Vaikhari state. Vaikhari requires you to pause and think too. You are using Vaikhari to read this blog too!
Hari Om!