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34. Possible Modes of Operations of the Great Divine Energy

I have blogged about the great divine energy in the below blogs –

The great divine energy undergoes a constant flux because of the gazillions of experiences that various species undergoes. We covered about it in the blog –

In a possible hypothetical situation, we understood how the protagonist and its supporters, and an antagonist and its supporters of a creation-cycle may fight for domination. Such an epic fight generates a storm of experiences through-put that is evaluated by the divine energy to adjust its justice delivering mechanism, which is also a divine intelligent energy – called as the Karma. I humbly understood that the intelligence of the great divine energy is just not limited to the administration of the karmic engine – given its infinite potential.

We are glad that the protagonist and its supporters are winning and the law of karma (aka the value system of the universe used to deliver justice) is aligning with the good forces of the universe. This is leading to a stable state of bliss as the most preferred state of the divine intelligent energy out of all the infinite variations of the states.

How can the divine energy be expected to save the lessons learnt so that, in the present & future creation cycles, it is able to prevent the win of the antagonists who is trying to set a new diabolic value system?

The answer may lie in observing what surrounds us. As an example to consider - disruptive technological advances like cloud computing, quantum computing, AI/ML simulations, IoT etc., – which introduces us to new limitless computing/networking and storage experiences not only help us – humans, but I think in the larger context, these experiences may help the great divine energy to the concepts of storage, networking and processing. Earlier I talked about the potential hints left out in nature from the dance of creational forces of the great divine energy for humans (and other advanced species) to understand its true potential and nature. This reverse may also be true where the creational activities goes through the storm of experiences and introduces new understandings to the great divine energy so that it can continue in its pursuit of excellence! While we are at it, it is my personal humble opinion that we also aid the antagonist forces by developing technologies that wreak havoc with our planet and that be-numbs our mind (e.g. GPT software that delegates human excellence to brute force computing!)

Think about the various experiences throughput (besides the above technology related example) that manifests while in pursuit of excellence from activities that are happening all around in various species and we can understand the tremendous growth of intelligence that the divine energy harvests beyond its default infinite intelligence!!I can only think of kneeling before it and praying for redemption!

When things are not going correct, because of activities of individuals and groups, the great divine energy may let us know that through appropriate karmic reactions - e.g climate change, global warming, poverty, epidemic etc., We do not know which action caused what reaction or which group of actions caused which group of reactions! But, is it not that - we just have to focus on being a decent citizen of this universe as individuals and as members of various groups to solve all our problems including the problems of this planet?

When I think deep, I find that when the great divine energy is processing all the gazillions of experiences – each one in the same fervour, it is using enormous amount of energy to plan and deliver karma and for any other new creations, maintenance and dissolutions – all the while keeping a tab on the reasonable time frame of the context. This is an astounding and unparalleled feat. This must happen at all times so that the karmic engine keeps chugging, and the justice system works as expected.

But in some places/times of the universe the battle/war between the antagonists and the protagonists may be intense. Since these battles/wars have the capacity to hurt the value systems adopted by the good sources of the universe, a swift and extra intervention is required too. Hence, we can think about the additional modes of processing needed by the great divine energy besides the mode of infinite processing.

Hence, I think about the below 3 possible modes of processing of the great divine energy. I have attempted to list them below with a full understanding that, using its infinite intelligence, the great divine energy can spin up new modes that may be completely tangent to the human mind. Perhaps - only God knows certain things!

Please note that the divine energy can run in 3 or more modes simultaneously at any given time in any given context of the creation in this great universe.

Mode 1 – Mode of Infinite Processing:

Here the great divine energy tracks all the souls of the universe and administers the law of karma within a reasonable time frame. Essentially, for every ticking of time, it captures, processes. understands and plans the next executions that are required in each second of this universe’s existence for all the souls.

Mode 2 – Mode of Special Processing:

Special attention may be needed in parts of universe where events are affecting large groups and systems of the universe. This span of depth of attention may be much more intense than the focus it keeps in Mode 1.

Mode 3 – Mode of Intense Focus:

Sometimes the great divine energy may need to focus much more deeply and intensely, especially when situations arise in a surprisingly fast manner introducing de-stabilization of the whole universe such as when the antagonist forces are trying to wreak havoc with the law of karma.

In such cases, the great divine energy should also don the hat of the protagonist or any such good forces of the universe to understand the nature of the new evil so that it can quickly extinguish the emerging threat. The actions of the protagonist may also extinguish this threat, but the intervention of the great divine energy may give permanent resolution to re-occurring problems.

We can possibly link this mode to the various good avatars that happen from time to time.

Thus, while operating in the 3 or more modes simultaneously, and by the countless activities and effects of the dances of creational forces, the great divine energy may identify new ways of dealing with old problems.




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