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46. About the Layers of the Divine Energy - Part 2

I wanted to add more emphasis on my earlier blog -


This time, I want to create 2 additional perspectives – the energy layers as seen through the human design and the energy layers as seen through the Prakruti.


First let us consider the perspective as seen from the PRAKRUTHI or NATURE.

ADI SAKTHI – the deepest layer with uncountable ADRHSTA mysteries and phenomenon that is the root cause of the existence of this universe. This is perhaps the God itself.

ICCHA SAKTHI – This is the dark energy/dark matter – MAHAT matrix. The karmic forces of interactions and souls with impressions operate in this field. Most other 1st derivative forces from ADI SAKTHI along with tanmatras operate in this field and most of them are ADRHST to us as of now.

GNANA SAKTHI – This is the 2nd derivative forces from ADI SAKTHI. We commonly know this as the world of scientific phenomenon. The laws of science and the related forces operate in this field.

KRIYA SAKTHI – This is the 3rd derivative forces from ADI SAKTHI. We use the various scientific tools, instruments, machines etc., to harness the scientific principles that we have understood to generate various potential and kinetic energy formations.


Next, let us consider the perspective as seen from a HUMAN FORM (since it supposed to be the most evolved of all the species in the universe).

ADI SAKTHI – No change from the above statements. In the Panchakoshanas Tatva as applicable to humans, this Sakthi belongs to the Anandamayakoshana.  

ICCHA SAKTHI – As specified in the previous blog, this is the field in which the will power of the humans operate. It is believed that mantras, penances, yagnas and other sacraments can be used by human forms to harness the energy from MAHAT as some sort of ICCHA SAKTHI to achieve some degree of capabilities with which some ‘desirable’ effects can be achieved. In the Panchakoshanas Tatva as applicable to humans, this Sakthi belongs to the Vignanamayakoshana and Pranamayakoshana. Hence this body of knowledge related to ICCHA SAKTHI is purely in the realm of the religious/spiritual bodies. 

GNANA SAKTHI – This is primarily the energy field attributed to the knowledge present in humans. On one hand, this can be used to understand the potency of various mantras, penances, yagnas and other sacraments and be used for practice and perfection. Hence this part of the body of knowledge related to GNANA SAKTHI is purely in the realm of the religious/spiritual bodies. This SAKTHI in humans is dependent on the strength of the ICCHA SAKTHI present in humans. The strength of ICCA SAKTHI in a person decides whether that person is brilliant or dull.

On the other hand, a normal human- even those not attributed to religious/spiritual bodies exercise this SAKTHI to understand the ADI, ICCHA, GNANA, KRIYA SAKTHIs as applicable to the Prakruti or nature and use it in his daily life. Hence this part of the body of knowledge related to GNANA SAKTHI is purely in the realm of Science. Also, all other knowledges related to formal education, soft-skills training, other specialist physical training etc can be attributed to this SAKTHI in the humans.

In the Panchakoshanas Tatva as applicable to humans, this Sakthi belongs to the Manonmayakoshana. In a way, the mind and other inner faculties are considered by some scriptures as part of this manifested universe!


KRIYA SAKTHI – This is the action part of the human body and the thinking part of the human body and hence this clearly belongs to the Annamayakoshana.

Hari Om!


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