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50.Neti-Neti - Part 2 - More on the concept of ADHRSTA

Updated: Oct 18, 2024

We have seen about the concept of Neti-Neti - .

Also , I have written about the in-pursuit of excellence as a human endeavour at - &

Life, if we have to sum it up – It is about collecting experiences and committing the great ones (so that others can learn and experience from it) among them while we are in pursuit of excellence with a heart of gold which agrees to all the good value systems (collectively called as Krishna consciousness) of the universe.

In this grand drama, every single soul encounters the unknown in the background. We know that it is impossible to know all the unknowns on the day one or at any one point in life! We keep going!

This unknown has many vivid colours. Some of contexts to explain about this thought process is given below in an attempt to make the reader understand the concept of ADHRSTA (unforeseen/unobserved) correctly:

  • A toddler has many Neti-Neti zones that is continuously cleared when it grows as a normal child. Parents, family, neighbourhood, communities, sensory perceptions etc., imparts new experiences and learnings to the toddler, and makes it a little more intelligent living unit each passing day.

There are many unknowns, -yet life is not incomplete for the growing toddler!


  • A common man knows that the series of numbers are infinite, and he does not wait for the infinity to be resolved before using the numbers for his every day needs!

There are many unknowns with the numbers, -yet life is not incomplete for the common man or the scientist or the mathematician!


  • I have written about how universe itself leaves clues about its ‘unknowns/knowns’ as objects and attributes in this grand spectacle called universe. A spiritualist may take this as clue and see himself as a model of the universe. As a human he knows, there are many knowns & unknowns, but he also knows that he is ably endowed with sensory organs and sprit of learning and exploring that will help him to cross the chasm of unknown.

There are many unknowns, -yet life is not incomplete for the blossoming spiritualist!


  • A student after graduating from the school, looks at the myriads of courses offered in the universities. He knows that he has the passion to excel in studies and learn each passing day. But he also knows that it is impossible to master all the courses in a given lifetime and he has wisdom to know that the life is expecting him to possibly graduate into living as a husband, father, grandfather and as a retired citizen before the grand au-revoir!

There are many unknowns, -yet life is not incomplete for the maturing young man!


So, the concept of ADHRSTA (unforeseen/unobserved) s supported by the concept of Neti-Neti, is to be acknowledged and understood properly. It is not blindness per-se. It is a field of view that is not yet visible due to our known constraints such as space, dimensions and time.

Considering an individual on earth,

Does he know why there is something instead of nothing?

Does he know the purpose of life and why he is here in this universe?

Do we have clear sight into how an individual must organize and explore in his life?

Does he have the necessary knowledge on how to integrate himself into the various value systems that he must adopt into?

Does he have adequate knowledge about the ways of working in the universe?

Does he properly understand the role of science and spirituality to guide him in his life?

Such questions above tries to address the basic things needed in one’s life. For that, I think we as an advanced civilization, have built a vast repository of knowledge and practices! We are not blocked by the things unknown in order to lead a decent life, while in-pursuit of excellence!

But when we look at the largely unknown subjects of the universe such as with the concepts of space, dimensions, time, energy, mass, quantum space, etc., we know we are looking at the ADHRSTA realms of those subject areas and manifestations! We also know that the cosmos may have its little secrets in its objects of creation to give us the right clues when are unable to move forward.

Similarly, as a spiritualist, we have the well-established concepts of thoughts and thinking, mind, intelligence, consciousness, tanmatras, impressions etc., yet we know we have much to cover. There are ADHRSTA realms in the mind/consciousness too.

Even God/protagonist may have his limits of wisdom and knowledge. But as long as he is able to function as the preserver of the universe and as the progenitor, for the betterment of all souls and to ensure that the right justice is upheld, he should also be comfortable with the idea of ADHRSTA! He is also probably willing to learn for other's experiences.

We need to keep moving and improving on each passing day. It is OK even if it is only a minor improvement from the previous day!We gain by self-exploration, established knowledge bodies, self-experiences and experiences of others. Even the protagonist may be doing this to dispel ADHRSTA as much as possible. For him, currently, establishing order and justice and promoting equality may be far more important on immediate terms than exploring the quantum or deep space realms or anything in-between! This is same like how a government prioritises public spending for security, education and health over spending on military and space research.






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