As per some ancient texts (Upanishads), there are 4 states of human consciousness. I qualify it as human states because I do not have knowledge about similar states in other species.
These 4 states are also represented in the OM symbol as below.
The different names and attributes of these states are given below:
1 | Jagrani | Waking State | Conscious everyday experience |
2 | Svapanti | Dreaming Sleep State | State when we are asleep and dreaming |
3 | Shusupti | Deep Dreamless Sleep State | State when we are in deep dreamless sleep |
4 | Turiya | Transcendental State | State when we are self-aware and transcendental |
Let us look into these states a bit more:
1. JAGRANI (also called as VAISHVANARA)
In this state, the human will be fully involved in the karmic activities of the world. He is self-aware and both his Karmendriyas and Gnanendriyas are processing inputs from the outside world and generating appropriate reactions.
2. SVAPANTI (also called as TAIJASA)
In this state, the human is in his sleep state. The Karmendriyas is shut-off due to sleeping. The Gnanendriyas is open to inputs from the dream-world (built by his mind during sleep, using his memories and impressions) and will generate appropriate reactions. We can also note that a person cannot think in his dream as this world is created in his mind realm and not in the brain (or thinking) realm. Sometimes, the reactions are so powerful that it activates the Karmendriyas of the sleeping human. For instance, suddenly the person asleep, wakes up with a scream after a nightmare.
3. SHUSUPTI (also called as PRAJNATMIKA)
In this state, the human is in his deep state sleep. Both his Karmendriyas and Gnanendriyas are shut off. It is said that biologically/psychologically, in this absolute state of rest, the body and mind heal itself at a rapid pace.
This state is also called as the transcendental state. This is beyond the human mind-body complex. This is as if, the self-awareness is shifted to the soul itself with the observing capability while at the same time forgetting the mind-body complex completely. This state is achievable only with lots of discipline and meditation while leading a life full of honesty and integrity that will ensure peaceful quietness at the soul level. For normal humans this functions as the seat of soul ensuring self-awareness during JAGRANI and SVAPANTI states.
It is impossible to ignore the veil of maya when discussing the 4 states of human consciousness. Please refer to the blog - . The first three states happen in the human mind-body complex of normal humans and hence it is possible to say that it is under the influence of maya (illusion or the 2nd imperfection). As a accomplished transcendentalist, a noble soul would have cleared the above illusions and is possibly centred in its pure natural blissful state. I refer to these souls as advanced, great, and self-aware souls and they are possibly existing as great gurus in their communities. Sometimes these souls after their death would have escaped the birth-death cycle altogether and would be waiting to take birth in-order to help humanity undo its sufferings.
Besides, the current taxonomical system of classifying animals and plants based on external physical attributes may now be expanded to consider their inner construct as well covering their brain arrangement (centred on physical body and thoughts), mind (centred on astral body and feelings/emotions) and consciousness (centred on related inner constructs like Pranamayakoshana in humans and sensed tanmatras) and soul (centred on karana body and stored impressions)! That way we will have more knowledge on the ascendence and descendance paths of reincarnating souls.
How strange it will be if a accomplished human, upon his death, reincarnates as a house fly in-pursuit of excellence!!
Hari Om!